Published News

ViewAQC™ for Revit® 2019 Now Available

This construction article sheds light on cement mortar composition, cement mortar ingredients, cement mortar properties and uses of mortar in building construction. 26 Degrees Software has launched ViewAQC 2019 for Revit 2019. ViewAQC now comprises of a "usage" license format, facilitating the firms to control all the projects firmwide with a single license file. With ViewAQC, the Revit team members get the ability to deal with and reference views from any Revit model into any other Revit model.

방패탑 Exploring the Unknown

Exploring the unknown is a thrilling journey into uncharted territories, both external and internal, where curiosity, courage, and a spirit of discovery lead the way. It's about venturing beyond the familiar, embracing uncertainty, and opening oneself to the mysteries and wonders that lie beyond the horizon. Whether trekking through dense jungles, diving into unexplored caves, or delving into the depths of the ocean, exploring the unknown is a quest for new experiences, insights, and connections. Along the way, encounters with unfamiliar cultures, landscapes, and perspectives broaden horizons, challenge assumptions, and foster a deeper understanding of the world and oneself. It's an adventure that requires resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace the unexpected, but the rewards—a sense of awe, wonder, and profound transformation—are worth every step into the unknown. So pack your sense of adventure, trust your instincts, and set out on a journey of exploration that promises to unveil the secrets of the undiscovered and ignite the spark of discovery within.방패탑